IAAP Accessibility Survey
By Rob Sinclair – Linkedin/sinclairrob
This report is based on research conducted by the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP), a division of G3ict. The report is provided as part of IAAP’s mission to define, promote, and improve the accessibility profession globally through networking, education, and certification to enable
the creation of accessible products, content, and services.
As public and private sector organizations around the world work toward the goals of accessibility (also referred to as “a11y” in this paper) and inclusion, they encounter similar challenges regardless of their industry, business model, or region. New technologies and evolving legal frameworks make accessibility a complex challenge, and there is no single process or approach that will work for every organization.
However, the IAAP believes there is value in using a shared set of resources and tools that have been proven to facilitate effective accessibility programs and accessibility practices. Therefore, the IAAP conducted a survey of organizations and individuals to learn what resources and tools they are using
to manage and grow their own accessibility programs and outcomes. This report summarizes the findings from that survey.
Accessibility Study Highlights
The survey reveals the top three organizational motivators to invest in accessibility are:
a. compliance with applicable laws and regulations;
b. inclusion of all audiences; and
c. accessibility as an inherent part of the organization’s purpose.
More than 66% of organizations cite legal compliance and risk management as a top motivator to invest in accessibility, but less than 25% have an established compliance process or use internal accessibility scorecards to measure and track their progress.
The survey also shows there is a correlation between increased maturity of accessibility programs and the organization’s level of investment in specific leadership and management components.
The survey identifies the top ten investments for organizations serious about accessibility:
- Dedicated Funding & Accessibility Resources
- Engagement with the Disability Community
- Accessibility Criteria in Contracts and POs
- Written Organization-wide Policy / Commitment
- Tools with Built-in Accessibility Checking
- Central Accessibility Team with Senior Leader
- Accessibility Design and Authoring Practices
- Accessibility Compliance Process
- Internal Accessibility Scorecard
- Accessibility Engineering and Testing Practices
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Top 3 motivators by organization. Click for full size