Kiosk Market Research Report – Feb 2021 Vertical Market Analysis

By | January 26, 2021

Self-Service Kiosk Market Research Report To Be Formally Released in Feb 2021 – Sign Up

KIosk Market Research Report and Analysis

KIosk Market Research Report and Analysis

The Kiosk Association has been working with a major research firm on putting together a comprehensive and vetted self-service kiosk market research report and the release of the report is due in February. We are in final review with the data firm providing our input. Over 50 companies participated.

There have been many good reports on the market over the years. Frost and Sullivan in 2018 released an updated market research report which was accurate. Generally though it difficult to wade thru the internet-scraped fabricated for sale reports that proliferate. They generally target potential report buyers and list companies that no longer exist in the market or are not primarily in the market.  Hybrid POS in grocery stores and ATMs, for example, raise the number artificially higher for companies such as Diebold and NCR, however, their participation in the true kiosk market is actually quite small. The self-service kiosk industry grows and thrives on fast market cycles requiring rapid engineering, design, and deployment. Characteristics not found in mega-complex companies.

The report goes thru regulatory considerations and also covers new emerging markets such as smart city, customer-facing POS, and intelligent interactive digital displays, and digital signage (though we resist usage of that phrase for interactive).  We advised the analysts to focus on the kiosk market and put to the side supplemental markets like conventional RMUs, ATMs, and grocery store check-out hubs.  Those “fuzzy” factors being put to the side make for a more relevant focus.

This report coincides with NRF 2021 Chapter One and we are offering a no-cost copy (MSRP $6000) to qualified retailers. State, local, Education and Federal agencies also qualify.

Kiosk Market Report Summary


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