The Kiosk Association is again exhibiting at NRF 2023 in New York. Here are some preliminary items.
- Our portal page on NRF
- Jan. 14: Opening Party | Jan. 15-17: Conference & Expo
- Location: Jacob K. Javits Convention Center | New York City
- Kiosk Association highlights
- In the Booth – JAWS kiosk accessibility with Storm in the booth.
- In the Booth – Countertop 22″ self-order with AudioPad
- In the Booth – Pedestal 27″ dual-sided self-order
- In the Booth – “A” Frame floor display (indoor, outdoor, battery powered)
- At the Show – see the Samsung Clover Nanonation case study for small business
- At the Show – Kiosk Information Systems
- At the Show – Storm Interface and Olea Kiosks
- At the Show – Rachel and Insight Touch for AIO and touchscreens
Show Specials
Curved Displays are Popular – 22Miles
Good example of curved displays. One of Dizzie candidates is the Peerless-AV project in Oklahoma they did with Ford AV.
Self-Order Kiosk ROI for BurgerFi Discussion with Goodhew
From AVIXA and Kiosk Association — Samsung, Oracle and Grubbrr partnership
Massive Curved Display Wall — Seamless dvLED Wall
From AVIXA and the kiosk association —
Mobile Kiosk that is AI-Powered
From kioskindustry.org and the kiosk association —
Press Releases
Digital Menu Board – How Much They Cost and What About Installation?
From kioskindustry.org –Digital menu boards are taking the restaurant world by storm,
Receptionist Kiosk Case Study
From kioskindustry.org — For more information and to download case study visit
Touchscreens for Retail & POS
Elo (aka Elotouch)
We know touch – it’s our only business.
Small PC Tablet Kiosks Are Bigger than you might think
Originally published on AVIXA — project briefs include Taco Bell, McDonalds, Panera Bread, CLEAR, Shake Shack, Carnival Cruise Lines

Samsung Clover Self-Order Solution
Complete Samsung Clover ase study on the positive impact that customer ordering kiosks provide to a relatively small retail shop. Video https://youtu.be/UotHJR3DcKs

Kiosk Dual Self-Order & Counter Self-Order Kiosk
The Pyramid Passport and Flex countertop will be shown in 1602. Both units include assistive technology and one will be running JAWS by Vispero (in McDonalds configuration)

Android Kiosk Software Supports Samsung Knox
Public access stations & apps can be securely locked down to prevent unauthorized access , and provide remote monitoring tools. KioWare Android does just that. KioWare also includes specific Samsung support for Samsung tablets.

JAWS for Kiosk Accessibility Software
Come see JAWS for kiosk accessibility software at booth 1602. Schedule a meeting with Traci Murray of Vispero ([email protected]) or stop by. Video – https://youtu.be/Xmv6UXku6k4

Kiosks for Self-Service Ticketing and more by Olea
You can see Olea kiosk in the Storm Interface booth nearby the KMA booth at 1602. Stop by and we will walk you over. For more information on Olea Kiosks you can email [email protected]